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Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology

Imagine.. Inspire.. Innovate..

Seminars & Workshops

The “Electric Vehicle Technology” highlighted the transformative role of battery and electric vehicle technology in transforming transportation. A workshop on 24th June 2024 to 29th June 2024 organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. The “The Electric Vehicle Technology” is a dynamic session that combines theoretical knowledge with practical insights, allowing attendees to explore EV components, charging infrastructure and emerging trends, contributing to the green revolution and promoting sustainable transportation options. This 6 days of workshop on “Electric Vehicle Technology” aims to facilitate teaching fraternity and aspirants on industry practices in this domain essential for design of next generation EVs.

The Life Skills Program conducted by Barclays at Rajiv Gandhi institute of technology from 7- May- 2024 to 9- May-2024, was a comprehensive initiative designed to equip students with essential skills beyond academic knowledge. Spanning over multiple interactive sessions and workshops, the program aimed to enhance employability, foster personal development, and impart practical knowledge in various critical areas. The program commenced with an introduction emphasizing its objectives: to improve students’ communication skills, teamwork abilities, financial literacy, and career planning strategies. Each session was meticulously structured to cater to these objectives, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.

The visit to IISC on OPEN DAY 24th February,2024 Saturday was successful. Visited mainly Electronics and Communication dept. at IISC. And went through different experiment demonstrations like Microelectronics, Photonics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics etc. Also played Technical games and won chocolates. Also visited cryogenic department and went through different experiments like Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law and superconductors.

On 15th of February 2024 department of computer science and engineering organized a workshop on Placement Mentoring, The mentor may help the mentee identify skills that could be developed, coach them and give them an opportunity to practice and receive feedback. They may act as a sounding board for the mentee's problems, ideas or career plans, by asking questions that cause them to explore issues. In conclusion, mentoring is crucial in the workplace for various reasons. It facilitates the transfer of knowledge and skills, aids in career advancement and succession planning, increases employee engagement and retention and contributes to a positive culture. The mentoring relationship is inherently flexible and can vary tremendously in its form and function. The mentoring relationship exists between one individual in need of developmental guidance and another individual who is both capable and willing to provide that guidance. Further, the mentoring relationship represents an important developmental relationship for the mentee as it supports and facilitates his or her professional development Mentor suggests that characteristics of the mentor-mentee should be considered during the matching process. Learn more about adults who mentor and the key attributes associated with successful mentoring.

On 28 December 2023 at MBA Seminar Hall by 10 am onwards Investor Awareness Program By Dr. Chaithanya Kittur Resource Person – SEBI, BSE, NISM, Mumbai is organized by MBA department.

The Agile and Design Thinking workshop held on December 27, 2023, for the Computer Science and Engineering department aimed to impart practical knowledge and skills related to Agile methodologies and Design Thinking principles. The event began with a warm welcome to the Principal, the Head of the Department (HOD), and faculty members from the CSE department. The session was formally inaugurated, setting an enthusiastic tone for the day. Ms. Fathima Khanum, a renowned expert in Agile and Design Thinking, was the guest speaker. She covered key topics including the definition and principles of Agile, the Agile manifesto, an overview of Design Thinking, and its five stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. She explained how Agile methodologies streamline project management and enhance team collaboration, while Design Thinking fosters a user-centric approach to problem-solving and innovation. ​

On December 14th to 16th 2023, department of Computer Science & Engineering has conducted 3 day workshop by Gen Ed technologies, the students form 3rd and 5th semester of computer science and engineering attained this workshop The trainers from Gen Ed started the session with the introduction about
  •  Arduino Software - Installation
  •  About ESP8266 Arduino Core
  •  Windows CH340 Driver
  •  About Embedded System (the ESP8266 Chip)
  •  MIT App Inventor - Coding and Programming
  • Running the Robot Car with Code

The department of electronics and communication engineering, Rajiv Gandhi institute of technology organized one day technical seminar on Applications of INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM and VEHICLE NAMED DATA NETWORKS on 27th October 2023 in association with departments of Computer science and Engineering, Bio-medical engineering, Electrical and Electronics engineering. This seminar has provided platform for students and academicians to share and exchange ideas on the topic in the field such as
  •  What is Intelligent transportation system?
  • Challenges of Intelligent transportation system?
  •  Principles of Intelligent transportation system
  •  What is the aim of intelligent transportation system?
  •  What are the 3 main areas of intelligent transportation system? 
  • Functional area of Intelligent transportation system?
  • Objectives of Intelligent transportation system?
  •  What is a vehicular network
  • What are the challenges of VN
  • Types of Vehicular data networks
  •  Advantages of Vehicular data networks
The technical seminar had two sessions spread over one day with expert’s technical talk, interactive discussions and so on. Total number of participants sent their willingness to attend the seminar was 70 from the four departments such as ECE, CSE, BME and EEE. Feedback was taken from the students regarding seminar and the certificates were issued.


The welcome address was given by Dr Shailesh BME, with a warm welcome and pleasant speech which has given spark to the engineer's day celebration. All the guests, faculties and students given tribute “Pushparchane” to the honorable, incredible engineer of India Sir M Visvesvaraya, followed by the inaugural of the logo launch by Dr. Latha Kumari, Principal, B.Ed. college. Addressing speech was given by Dr. Veerabadraih, academic coordinator, Logo specification of all the departments was given by chief coordinator Suma M.O. Department of ECE.


On 9/8/23, the computer science engineering department of Rajiv Gandhi institute of technology celebrated the launch of ‘NOVUS,’ a pioneering initiative aimed at enhancing knowledge and fostering future advancements among students. The event, held began with an invigorating invocation dance performance, setting a cultural and motivational tone. The opening address underscored ‘NOVUS’s’ core mission to serve as a catalyst for innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration within the department. The invocation dance added a poignant touch, symbolizing unity and celebrating the spirit of knowledge enhancement that ‘NOVUS’ aims to instill.


The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi institute of technology organized one day workshop on web development on 21 July 2023 in association with departments of bio-medical engineering, electrical and electronics engineering. This workshop has provided platform for students and academicians to share and exchange ideas on the topic in the field such as
  •  How does web work?
  •  What is HTML and how to use it?
  • Different HTML Tags
  •  Styling Elements using CSS
  • Useful CSS Properties  What is Javascript?
  •  CSS Flexbox  CSS Animatons 
  • How does JS work?
  • Datatypes, variables and functions in JS
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Project - Portfolio Website



The Web Development Workshop at Rajiv Gandhi institute of technology, held from 19/6/23 to 21/6/23, aimed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of web development. The workshop covered essential technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Node.js. In the bustling corridors of our college, the echoes of innovation often find their way to eager ears. Such was the case when our seniors, now seasoned alumni, returned to share their wisdom in a special workshop on web development. Organized under the banner of alumni interactions, this event promised to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, a gap often lamented by students. The workshop commenced with a warm welcome from the faculty, acknowledging the alumni’s journey from students to professionals in the tech industry. Their journey was not just a testament to their hard work but also an inspiration to the current cohort of budding engineers and developers.


On 30/11/22, the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (RGIT) hosted an insightful technical seminar on ChatGPT and Cloud Computing. The event aimed to enhance students' understanding of advanced AI technologies and cloud computing, pivotal in the current technological landscape. The seminar began with an inauguration by the Head of the Department, who emphasized the importance of staying updated with cutting-edge technologies. This was followed by an invocation dance, setting an energetic tone for the day. The first session was dedicated to OpenAI's ChatGPT. The speaker, an AI expert, delved into the architecture and functioning of ChatGPT. Key highlights included: - The evolution of language models from basic NLP to advanced AI systems like GPT-4. - The working mechanism of ChatGPT, including its training on diverse datasets. - Practical applications of ChatGPT in customer service, content creation, and as an educational tool. An interactive demo showcased ChatGPT's capabilities. Students engaged with the AI, asking varied questions and witnessing real-time responses, which highlighted the model's proficiency and potential use cases.

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (ICASET-2017) be held on April 24th 2017 at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Bangalore. ICASET-2017 is being organised to provide an opportunity to research scholars, delegates and students to interact and share their experience and knowledge in technology application. The aim of the Conference is to provide a platform to researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet the share cutting edge development in the field. The conference is recognised as one of the major conferences in Engineering and Technology.


Ms. K. ATHIRA ,Asst.Prof. Department of Civil Engineering presented a paper titled " STUDY ON BEHAVIOUR OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM COLUMN WITH FRP WRAPPING " in ICMR sponsered IEEE International Conference on Science,Technology ,Engineering and Management (ICSTEM' 17) held on 3rd and 4th March 2017 at KIT,Coimbatore. TamilNadu