Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering
This course aims to prepare students for developing their careers in the field of “Electronics and Communication engineering”. Digital Signal Processing in telecommunication has seen explosive growth during the past two decades, as phenomenal advances both in the research and application have been made. Advances in digital computer technology and software development have been the Motivating factors for this growth.
- For offering societal relevant graduate education in engineering.
- For offering industry relevant training.
- For creating entrepreneurs of tomorrow by recognizing talent and incubating.
- For nurturing talent through utmost student care.
The indicative content covers the following four major areas of Electronics and communication engineering.
- Wireless, Mobile & Optical communications
- VLSI System Design
- Digital signal processing and applications
- Real time embedded systems
The students will gain the Capability to implement wireless & fiber optic applications related to Wireless and Optical communications are two mutually complimentary technologies that are changing the face of communication technologies today. Wireless technology is essentially used in an access network that compliments a fiber optic backbone network. A wireless access network provides mobility and supports acceptable data rates for voice, data and video. The "chip", now commonplace at home and at work is becoming increasingly more sophisticated. Major systems are being integrated into single, complex Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits. Mixed analog and digital systems are increasing in popularity so that sensors of signals can be integrated with their processors. Engineers operating in this field are in very great demand in the microelectronics and VLSI industry. This emphasizes to understand and analyze digital signals derived from various real life signals. It gives a broad view of processing the digital signals, imaging techniques and its processing algorithms and image standards. The course also emphasizes the design of DSP based systems using DSP processors. The educational experience enables the students to achieve an integrated understanding of the existing techniques for processing digital image and digital signals. The Real Time Embedded Systems will give students capability to design and develop embedded systems considering both hardware and software part of the design. On hardware side they will be learning various popular processor architecture and hardware subsystem design. On software side they will be learning modeling of software, use of tools available for developing software. Besides they will also be learning about networking, security aspects of embedded systems, Embedded DSP, realizing the Control system with Embedded Technology and System on Programmable Chip to understand the next generation Embedded systems.
To provide a platform for students in excel in electronics and communication engineering applied to signal processing & Communication Technologies so that they can readily accept the challenges in the areas of signal processing, Telecommunication industries. To impart knowledge pertaining to principles of design, analysis and development of wireless and optical systems. The course aims at the enhancement of the delegates’ skills through confidence development and aptitude in Signal Processing and Communication technologies, integration of DSP to Embedded, Communication and VLSI Technologies. To offer a unique opportunity for the students to use state-of-the-art hardware and software tools for the design and analysis. The course presents a unified top-down and bottom-up design framework for implementing these systems, and all levels of VLSI system design are analyzed. The major portion of the course is spent examining actual implementations of VLSI systems, and selected advanced topics drawing from recent developments in the field. This course is intended to give the student the knowledge and experience needed to build large computing systems on VLSI chips, from low level circuit design issues to high level architecture design and floor planning. Understand the concepts and principles of various DSP structures understand the advanced methods for digital signal processing. Develop software optimized to specific architecture. Learn the use of available popular software tools for embedded software design. Understanding the importance of the signal processing, and communication towards embedded system design understand the concept of networking protocols and security aspects related to embedded system. Understand the need of integrating both hardware and software design leading to design of efficient embedded systems.
- Industry Relevant Graduate Engineering
- Industry Relevant Training
- Research Programmes
The applications of Electronics in Signal Processing and Communications Technologies have proved very effective and necessary in Mobile & Wireless networks, Medical Imaging, satellite imaging, geographical information systems, weather forecasting systems and engineering design applications.