Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
Computer Science & Engineeering
“In Human affairs we reached a point where the problems we solve are no longer solvable without the aid of computers, so fear not computers but lack of them” Computers have become an indispensable part of our lives, where the problems we solve are no longer solvable without computers. Problems of any magnitude can be solved with utmost accuracy and the course offer vast opportunities for logical thinking and ignite the analytical process in a human mind. This is a versatile and very much resourceful field that provides immense services to almost every sphere of human activity.
Computer Science and Engineering course helps the students to systematically design, develop and maintain the software which transforms the human life. The knowledge and skills gained are applied in all possible areas and contributed towards a better way of life for Generation Next. Students are provided with extensive training in areas other than the curriculum so that they will be ready to face the challenges and the needs of the software industries.
This course sharpens the mind, triggers the logical thinking, besides developing an ability to provide satisfactory solutions to any kind of real time challenges faced by the society. The Special skills required for scientific and research applications are also groomed during their tenure of course.
There is an unlimited scope for a computer science engineers. Career opportunities include designing, developing and maintaining the software systems for a diverse range of applications such as Networking, user interfaces, banking, databases, forecasting, World Wide Web support, medical communications, satellite and embedded systems, artificial intelligence and neural networks. There is immense scope in the areas like scientific, research and development and also there are unlimited self employment opportunities in this exciting field.
Programmers Club is the student’s forum formed by the students of Computer Science and Engineering Department. Under this club various activities are conducted by the students.Programmers Club is the student’s forum formed by the students of Computer Science and Engineering Department. Under this club various activities are conducted by the students. The objectives of Programmers Club are
- To enrich technical and Interpersonal skills.
- Prepare the students for the campus interviews.
- Prepare the students to present technical paper for national and international technical competitions.
- Conducting mock interviews to create awareness to the students for the campus interviews.
- Encourage the students to showcase their hidden talent in the technical field.
RGIT is the member of the Computer Society of India, which is the largest IT Professional society in India. The purpose of RGIT-CSI Chapter is Scientific and Educational, directed towards the advancement of theory and practice in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. RGIT-CSI Chapter activities are
- Encouraging the students to become a member of CSI- Chapter, so that they can make use of the . strength and resources of the Society.
- Inviting the experts from CSI to educate our students in the latest trends in software industry.
- Preparing our students to participate in CSI- Student conventions.
- Conducting Technical Seminars and Symposiums -by inviting resource personnel from CSI and various IT industries.